How to Tell if a Tree is Healthy: Top 10 Signs

Many homeowners want to know how to tell if a tree is healthy. Your trees are an essential part of your landscape and property. Not only do they add beauty, but they also play a vital role in the environment. Ensuring the health of the trees on your property helps trees perform this role successfully. 

If you have tree problems, it is best to consult with a professional arborist. Brandywine tree service from Hernandez Complete Tree Service can help you with all of your tree needs. However, if you want to determine whether a tree is healthy without professional guidance, here are some tips to help you out.

10 Signs to Tell If a Tree Is Healthy

The following are the top 10 signs that a tree may not be healthy:

  1. Leaf Color and Characteristics – Healthy trees will have bright green leaves. The leaves may have a slight yellowish tint, but they should not be covered in brown spots.
  2. Bare Patches on The Trunk – A healthy tree will have a full, green canopy. If you see large areas of the tree trunk exposed, this could signify that the tree is not healthy.
  3. Broken Branches or Branch Dieback – Healthy trees will have branches that extend outwards. If you notice some dead limbs or branches curving inwards, this may signify that the tree is not healthy.
  4. Visible Insects – Visible insects on or around the tree are not a good sign. The presence of insects may suggest disease or pest infestation.
  5. Fungal Growth – Fungal growth on trees is often a sign of root rot or other diseases.
  6. Sudden Leaf Loss – If all or most of the leaves fall off the tree at once, this is not a good sign. It could be a sign of disease or pest infestation.
  7. Wilting – If the leaves are wilting, it could signify that the tree is not getting enough water or has a disease.
  8. Trunk Bark Peeling – If the bark on the trunk is peeling, this could be a sign that the tree is not healthy. Fungi shouldn’t be growing on the tree either.
  9. Signs of Disease – Many different diseases can affect trees. If you see any disease symptoms, such as discoloration, sap oozing, or mushrooms growing on the tree, it is best to consult with a professional.
  10. No More Growth – Young trees should grow taller and add more branches. If the tree is not growing, this could be a sign that it is not healthy.

What to Do If You Find an Unhealthy Tree

If you find that one of your trees is not healthy, there are a few things that you can do.

  • You can treat the tree yourself with fungicides or insecticides, but this is not always effective. Different trees need different nutrients. A deciduous tree, for example, may thrive using different treatments than an evergreen tree would.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary to remove the dead tree. This should only be done as a last resort, as trees provide many benefits to a property. Avoid attempting DIY tree removal and contact the experts ASAP.

If you are unsure whether or not a tree is healthy, it is always best to consult with a professional. Hernandez Complete Tree Service can guide you on how to tell if a tree is healthy and help you with all of your tree needs.

Learn more about tree trimming services we offer and how to keep your trees healthy by visiting our website or calling us today.